Happy Halloween!

"Celebrate Halloween and literature at the same time, Buzzfeed advised in showcasing "18 literary pumpkins for a bookish Halloween."


"Looking for a last minute literary Halloween costume?" Electric Lit featured Essay Mama's "Halloween costumes of famous authors" and PopSugar suggested "16 literary characters to be this Halloween"; while Buzzfeed unveiled "13 Halloween costumes inspired by YA book covers" and "22 literary Halloween costumes for duos."


Flavorwire highlighted "50 of the scariest short stories of all time," and Electric Lit contributed "12 haunting American short stories to read this Halloween" for your spooky reading pleasure.


IKEA Singapore's latest ad is "a spot-on recreation of the famous hallway scene" from Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of Stephen King's novel The Shining.


"What do witches fly on in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials sequence?" In the spirit of the season, the Guardian offered a literary witches quiz.

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