18 Books Women Should Read at Age 18

Bustle's Kristen Scatton highlighted "18 books every woman should read when she's 18 (because I sure wish I had)."


Cold weather got you down? Buzzfeed found "28 reasons you should stay inside and read a book. Like you need an excuse."


The Dodo highlighted "22 pets who have no intention of letting you read your book."

Chris Killen, author of In Real Life, chose his "top 10 novels about lost friendships" for the Guardian.


A Flavorwire quiz posed the eternal question: "Guessing game: Edgar Allan Poe or Goth song lyrics?"


"In this week's tech chat we take a look at Bookniture, a gadget that can withhold a weight of up to 170kg and be easily stored away in your book case," 3News in New Zealand reported.

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