Just Watch Me

In this exciting thriller from Dexter creator Jeff Lindsay, a corrupt Chicago pharmaceutical billionaire unveils a $50-million statue weighing more than 10 tons. The mayor is paid to give a speech praising the billionaire at the dedication ceremony. Master thief Riley Wolfe then steals both the statue and the billionaire. In broad daylight. In front of a crowd and armed security.

Riley was paid to steal the statue by a cartel drug lord, who wanted it as a trophy. But Riley took the billionaire to mete out societal justice for price gouging prescription medication.

Although Riley is paid well for his efforts, money isn't his sole motive. He's so confident in his abilities, he constantly craves a bigger thrill, perhaps an impossible feat. And he finds it while flipping through a magazine on a commercial flight--Riley decides to steal a priceless diamond from the crown jewels of Iran. But there are two obstacles: he has no idea how to pull it off, and relentless FBI Special Agent Frank Delgado has been on his trail for years. The fact that he hasn't caught Wolfe makes Delgado more determined than ever to do so.

Just Watch Me launches a spectacular projected series. Wolfe shares traits with antihero Dexter Morgan of the popular novel and television series--they're both bad guys with a conscience, and each feels he is making the world a tiny bit better with their actions. Both characters are brilliant manipulators, but Riley might be the more interesting character in that his methods are more cerebral than bloody. --Paul Dinh-McCrillis, freelance reviewer

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