Run Like a Pro (Even if You're Slow): Elite Tools and Tips for Runners at Every Level

Running is one of the most egalitarian sports, given that what is needed to start the practice is merely a pair of shoes and a place to run. But there is still a large gap between amateur runners and professional ones. Elite running coaches Matt Fitzgerald and Ben Rosario bring their expertise to the masses in Run Like a Pro (Even if You're Slow), through which all runners can learn the habits and techniques that help elite runners stay at the top of the field. Instead of offering a prescriptive text, Fitzgerald and Rosario emphasize the many different philosophies in training for running, and highlight patterns and studies that can help readers make the best choices for themselves. One of these is the 80/20 principle, where 80% of workouts are run at low intensity, and the other 20% are done at a higher intensity. Although the text is focused on running, the discussions on rest, recovery, nutrition, pacing and stress management will serve readers across a variety of sports.

The authors gently but firmly redress what they refer to as the misconceptions and assumptions amateur runners hold--ones that can be detrimental to training and, more generally, to a runner's health, such as restrictive elimination-based diets and that progression must be constant. They also provide alternative methods to replace bad habits. Helpful advice also includes cross-training exercises, with demonstrative photos and even directions to YouTube resources. Fitzgerald and Rosario treat all runners--in a holistic and approachable way--as if they have the potential to become pros. --Michelle Anya Anjirbag, freelance reviewer

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