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Week of Friday, February 27, 2015

Many of us in the cold, snowy parts of the country are daydreaming about travel to warm places. This year several independent bookstores are making booklovers enjoy the daydreaming even more than usual: they have plans to lead literary trips this spring and summer to France and Italy.

BookPeople of Moscow's Tuscan villa.

Last year, Rainy Day Books, Fairway, Kan., conducted an 11-day literary tour in England; this summer, June 22-July 5, the store will take a group to Italy, with stays in Venice, Tuscany and Rome. Led by Rainy Day owners Vivien Jennings and Roger Doeren and travel specialist Lisa Ball, the trip includes author events; literary walking tours; visits to, among many other sites, St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, the Duomo in Florence and the Vatican; museum and gallery tours led by expert guides; excellent food and drink; and more.

For the third year in a row, Politics & Prose, Washington, D.C., is offering a "Springtime in Paris" trip, running May 3-9 with an optional weekend extension until the 12th. The emphasis is on exploring and getting to know Paris "in a more intimate way." Travel veterans Sheila Campbell and Donna Morris "will lead small groups, via Metro or city buses, moving about the city like Parisians. You can spend as much, or as little, time with the group as you like." A bonus: author Cara Black and P&P senior book buyer Mark LaFramboise have selected books that participants might want to read beforehand.

BookPeople of Moscow, Moscow, Idaho, is leading a "literary and historical feast" July 23-30 to an estate in Tuscany that will include demonstrations of historical Tuscan cooking techniques and discussions of Tuscan history; cooking classes; a writing workshop led by bookstore co-manager Jamaica Ritcher; a book group with recommended reading focused on Italy organized by store owner Carol Spurling; a tour of local bookstores; excursions into the countryside and to the seaside; and beginning Italian lessons. Buon'idea! --John Mutter, editor-in-chief, Shelf Awareness

The Best Books This Week


The American Lover

by Rose Tremain

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Sometimes fiction is more than simply entertaining or moving; in the skillful hands of Rose Tremain (Trespass) it is utterly exquisite. She deftly exposes both the absurdity and the melancholy that are synonymous with the human experience. The American Lover is a dark, candid and unforgettable collection of short stories.

Unusual situations and even odder characters make for intriguing bedfellows in Tremain's book. The titular story follows the ruin of a once-famous and gorgeous woman who cannot get over a past beau likely not worth the dirt on her shoe. Another portrays an upper-crust young lady who chooses money and misery over her passionate love for a poor construction worker. An adult daughter finally breaks ties with her cruel mother, while in another story a loving couple finds the strength to escape from a freeloading child of their own. Finally, seizing on rumors of a dead writer's sexuality, Tremain brings Daphne du Maurier back to life as a closet lesbian. This impressive collection of stories steeped in heartache and longing will leave readers wondering in admiration how Tremain can effortlessly bring to life so many varied characters.

The recurring themes of disappointing relationships, thwarted love affairs and unfulfilled expectations are expressed without sentimentalism, and the book is far more realistic than maudlin. These stories will resonate with anyone who enjoys Tremain's atypical take on the mundane. Her fantastic writing makes this read the perfect companion. --Natalie Papailiou, author of blog MILF: Mother I'd Like to Friend

W.W. Norton, $25.95, hardcover, 9780393246711

The Siege Winter

by Ariana Franklin and Samantha Norman

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Ariana Franklin (aka Diana Norman), author of the acclaimed Mistress of the Art of Death series, died in 2011 before completing The Siege Winter. But her daughter Samantha Norman finished the novel, allowing readers to enjoy Franklin's exciting historical fiction once again.

The year is 1141. England is in the grip of a civil war, as Empress Matilda and King Stephen battle for the throne after the death of Henry I. The chaos means that lawless men roam unhindered, and Emma, a young girl from the fens, is kidnapped by a depraved monk, brutally raped and left for dead. Gwyl, a kindhearted mercenary archer, finds Emma and nurses her back to health, disguising her as a boy and renaming her Penda. Little do Gwyl and Penda know that their paths will soon cross with the Empress herself.

Meanwhile, Maud of Kenniford has been forced into marriage with a loutish, much older man, because her castle and lands are considered vital to Stephen's cause. Defying her husband, Maud makes a treaty with Matilda's forces, triggering events that will lead to a long winter's siege.

Although the subject matter is grim, the jocular attitude of several of the main characters makes The Siege Winter surprisingly amusing. Penda's feistiness, Gwyl's determination and Maud's intransigence are all likable qualities, and the vividly depicted historical setting will keep the reader simultaneously engaged but sad at the knowledge that Franklin won't be writing any more books. Fans of British history and historical fiction are sure to love the intrigue and scope of The Siege Winter. --Jessica Howard, blogger at Quirky Bookworm

Morrow, $25.99, hardcover, 9780062282569

Into the Savage Country

by Shannon Burke

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Shannon Burke (Black Flies) sets Into the Savage Country at a pivotal moment in American history. In the late 1820s, American, Spanish and British trappers and adventurers are battling for supremacy in the western territories. These ragtag and fiercely loyal mountain men understand that their triumph or failure may affect the future for their respective nations.

Young William Wyeth, resolved to make his fortune in the West as a means to win the hand of the lovely widow Alene, sets out on a trapping expedition of breathtaking scope. The small brigade Wyeth joins is determined to trap in untouched Crow lands, but they are drawn into disputes between the Crow, Blackfoot and Gros Ventre tribes. With the British backing some tribes and the Spanish refusing southern passage, it will take all their wits to escape back to St. Louis, Mo., with their furs and their lives.

Told from Wyeth's point of view, Into the Savage Country pays homage to an often overlooked period in American history. There to witness the destruction of buffalo herds and the decimation of fur animals, Wyeth muses on the changes in both the burgeoning United States and himself. And as the months pass, Wyeth's bonds with his fellow brigade members cause him to rethink his ideas of friendship and bravery.

A quiet little novel, written in a spare style that belies the excitement between its covers, Into the Savage Country is a glimpse back to an almost forgotten lifestyle, and an era in which the wealth of a continent beckoned the adventurous. --Jessica Howard, blogger at Quirky Bookworm

Pantheon, $24.95, hardcover, 9780307908926

Mystery & Thriller

A Murder of Magpies

by Judith Flanders

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The world of book publishing isn't known for its murderous intrigues--unless an author fails to submit a salable manuscript on time. After her most reliably lucrative women's fiction author turns in a pile of sludge, London editor Samantha Clair is seeing red. But when Sam's favorite client--Kit Lovell, a fashion biographer whose new book contains a slew of juicy secrets--goes missing along with his manuscript, Sam puts aside her red pen to hunt for clues. In her first novel, A Murder of Magpies, social historian Judith Flanders (The Invention of Murder) concocts a well-plotted whodunit with a side of whip-smart satire.

Flanders uses Sam, who describes herself as "a middle-aged, middlingly successful editor," to provide a sardonic insider's perspective on publishing: the endless meetings, the constant posturing by editors hungry to snap up the next bestseller, the complete impossibility of getting any reading done during the workday. As Kit's disappearance consumes her thoughts, Sam leaves her assistant to deal with the troublesome manuscript from their star client--and the sleight-of-hand solution to their problem will delight readers.

In her search for Kit, Sam gets a bit of help from her lawyer mother, Helena, and handsome police inspector Jake Field. The romance between Sam and Jake is not quite believable--chiefly because Sam refuses to admit to her feelings--but Jake provides a clear-headed, professional counterpoint to Sam's impulsive amateur sleuth. The solution to the mystery falls a bit flat, but Flanders's razor-sharp wit makes this a satisfying read. --Katie Noah Gibson, blogger at Cakes, Tea and Dreams

Minotaur, $24.99, hardcover, 9781250056450

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Violent Century

by Lavie Tidhar

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In 1932, a German scientist accidentally unleashes a worldwide quantum event, the Change, which randomly bestows superhuman abilities and agelessness on a few thousand humans. An alternate 20th century is defined by these changed people, or Übermenschen, as the Nazis come to call them.

The Violent Century follows two Übermenschen, Oblivion and Fogg, agents in Britain's top secret Retirement Bureau. Their story winds through covert operations in World War II, Vietnam, Soviet-controlled Afghanistan and beyond, skipping among these past events and a present-era interrogation with their boss, the Old Man.

Fogg, who can create and control fog, and Oblivion, who can erase objects from existence, befriend each other at a boot camp for British people who've been changed. Together they face off against terrifying Nazi Übermenschen on the Eastern Front and in the ruins of postwar Berlin, where a secret drives them apart for the next 60 years. Oblivion continues his clandestine service while Fogg slinks off into obscurity, until the Old Man reunites them for a fateful debriefing.

Lavie Tidhar (Osama) blends the gritty superhero realism of Watchmen and the Cold War espionage of John le Carré with a dash of noir into something truly special in The Violent Century. His universe is stunningly constructed, at once realistic and fantastic in all the right ways. Tidhar's staccato prose is succinct and evocative, though it could possibly be jarring to some readers. Speculative fiction and fantasy fans of all tastes would do well not to miss this engrossing story. --Tobias Mutter, freelance reviewer

Thomas Dunne Books, $25.99, hardcover, 9781250064493


100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Math & the Arts

by John D. Barrow

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Of course, it is possible to live without knowing every item in 100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Math & the Arts. However, just dipping into this collection is likely to open up new perspectives for the reader on the beauties and underlying structures of our world.

No math education is necessary to understand many of these little two-to-three-page entries. The most mathematically demanding chapters require a basic grasp of algebra and geometry. John D. Barrow (Mathletics) is a Cambridge University mathematics professor and author of more than 19 books. He has a clear and pleasantly relaxed writing style that inspires confidence and curiosity.

There is no particular order to the entries, though many of them relate to each other. His definitions of "the arts" and "math" are generous, covering all kinds of beauty, patterns and designs alongside physics, engineering and technology. He discusses logical paradoxes, infinity in the forms of a wedding cake and a hotel, lace-up shoes and the identifying fractal structure of Jackson Pollock paintings. How does a dancer appear to pause midair in the middle of a grand jeté? What makes music appealing? Where should you stand to get the best view of one of those public statues on a tall pedestal? Why are qualities like beauty, truth or genius listable but not quantifiable? Not everyone will find all 100 topics fascinating, but anyone can find plenty of food for thought and wonder in the majority of them. --Sara Catterall

W.W. Norton, $26.95, hardcover, 9780393246551

Biography & Memoir

Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story

by Mac McClelland

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In a heart-searing memoir, journalist Mac McClelland (For Us Surrender Is Out of the Question) recounts her struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the love that inspired her to overcome it.

While covering the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated Haiti in 2010, McClelland witnessed a rape. Although her past was anything but uneventful--not only had she covered other major international stories but she and her ex-husband were among the hundreds of thousands displaced by Hurricane Katrina--her reaction to the stress of this particular incident was unusual.

The one bright spot in her assignment was meeting Nico, a gorgeous French soldier dispatched as a peacekeeper in Haiti during the crisis. Once back in the United States, though, McClelland found her symptoms--physical numbness, night terrors, uncontrollable crying--had followed her home. The diagnosis of PTSD shocked her, since she wasn't even the victim. However, as she began to suffer hallucinations, crippling depression and suicidal thoughts, McClelland knew she had to take her condition seriously.

As McClelland learned firsthand, societal views of PTSD still reflect a victim-blaming mentality, and the rejection and ridicule she faced is painful to read. Readers should rest assured that her romance with Nico balances out the more dire aspects of her story: "I wanted to feel myself in the world so I could feel the best thing the world had to offer, and that was Nico's love." This no-holds-barred account of wading through the agony and debilitation of severe trauma to find deep love on the other side will leave readers shaken but hopeful. --Jaclyn Fulwood, blogger at Infinite Reads

Flatiron Books, $27.99, hardcover, 9781250052896

Essays & Criticism

Discontent and Its Civilizations: Dispatches from Lahore, New York and London

by Mohsin Hamid

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Perspective can be a challenging quality to maintain in the rapidly shifting sociopolitics of the Internet Age. How does one cultivate a habit of seeing issues from many sides? For critically acclaimed novelist Mohsin Hamid (The Reluctant Fundamentalist), the habit formed when trading one continent for the next. Living in Pakistan, the United States and England for significant periods of his life has afforded him a sharp perspective on an array of cultural forces. The short, crisp essays in Discontent and Its Civilizations are empathic yet critical reflections on family, nationalism, sex, economics, Islamophobia, literature, violence and other expressions of humanity.

In more personal essays, Hamid offers glimpses into his relationships and writing life. From a young age he has been attuned to the phenomenon of globalization. In the essay "Once Upon a Life" he describes how, at nine years old, he returned to Pakistan for the first time after spending his early boyhood in California, where he had forgotten Urdu for English. "It is a funny thing," he observes with the kind of wary wonderment threaded throughout the missives in this collection, "to lose your first language." To hear him tell it, the world is full of dazzling sights and lush experiences to those who seek them, but he never overlooks their consequences, either.

Affable and concise, Hamid also proves he is a journalist capable of distilling politically charged conflict into a compelling, measured form. Whether discussing Pakistani independence or the harrowing nature of U.S. drone strikes, Hamid pares his viewpoints to give readers not oversimplifications but, rather, perspective. --Dave Wheeler, publishing assistant, Shelf Awareness

Riverhead, $27.95, hardcover, 9781594633652


Wanted: A Spiritual Pursuit Through Jail, Among Outlaws, and Across Borders

by Chris Hoke

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In the introduction to his humbly powerful debut work, Chris Hoke says he is trying to "paint God" through a series of wanted posters. These posters share the vulnerable and human side of individuals written off by society--cast off to prisons, deportations or even locked Dumpsters. The character sketches also illustrate Hoke's own spiritual awakening.

Drawn to prayer early in life--but not in a way that was easy to define and pursue--Hoke tried formal college studies and informal conversations with church leaders, but it wasn't until he undertook a volunteer position with Tierra Nueva, a Christian ministry in Washington State, that he found the fulfillment he sought.

At Tierra Nueva, Hoke helped migrant workers navigate the legal system and served as chaplain in a men's correctional institution. He met with hardened criminals in Bible study groups and one-on-one prayer sessions, learning more about them than what was apparent from their tattoos and rap sheets. As that young man, dubbed "pastor" by his flock, grew in the role, he experienced amazing connections--both emotionally and mystically--that drive and devastate him.

Wanted is Chris Hoke's story of self-discovery as defined by the people he has encountered. It is a beacon of faith and hope, but it's also a compelling commentary on the U.S penal system and the callous disregard for the bodies and souls crushed by it. Hoke notes a parallel between his life and that of Saint Christopher, the patron saint of safe travels, but readers are likely to identify a parallel with another famous shepherd--and wanted man--in Christianity. --Jen Forbus of Jen's Book Thoughts

HarperOne, $25.99, hardcover, 9780062321367


Know It All: 132 Head-Scratching Questions About the Science All Around Us

by New Scientist and Mick O'Hare, editor

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How did the Romans express fractions? Why do some shellfish turn red when cooked? Why have humans developed different blood types and is there an evolutionary advantage? Why does freshly fallen snow squeak and creak when you step on it? When will Mount Everest cease to be the tallest mountain on the planet? Why do we sometimes get a tune or refrain stuck in our heads, and play it over and over again, even though it's driving us crazy?

Amateur experts have spent years answering just these sorts of intriguing questions in the pages of the weekly U.K.-based popular science magazine New Scientist. Their Last Word q&a column prints readers' (usually somewhat offbeat) questions and invites other readers to answer. Readers, some scientists, some not, write in with their own explanations and anecdotes, or respond to other answers they found lacking. Know It All: 132 Head-Scratching Questions About the Science All Around Us follows, among others, Does Anything Eat Wasps? and Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? as another "best of" Last Word collection.

Know It All is an entertaining and intellectually stimulating read, probably most enjoyable in short bursts or opened to a random page. The book has two major conflicting downsides: the "authors" often lack any credentials beyond their own apparent scientific knowledge, and the answers occasionally become esoteric quagmires, making Know It All at once too rudimentary for some audiences and too advanced for others. Still, it should appeal to a middle ground of readers with general science interest. --Tobias Mutter, freelance reviewer

The Experiment, $14.95, paperback, 9781615192397

Children's & Young Adult

Moonpenny Island

by Tricia Springstubb

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In Trisha Springstubb's (What Happened on Fox Street) poignant novel of leaving childhood, Flor's best friend moves away from Moonpenny Island, and she begins to see the world differently, and to open others' eyes, too.

Eleven-year-old Flor O'Dell and Sylvie Pinch are "each other's perfect friend." It doesn't matter that Sylvie's father is the wealthy mayor and Flor's father is the island's only police officer. But then Sylvie's family sends her to the mainland to a private school. Now, after all the summer people leave the island, Flor will be the only student in sixth grade. Worse yet, she'll have Mrs. Defoe, who doubles as the principal and wears only brown. Sylvie made Flor promise to look after her brother, who drives too fast and has now dropped out of school. Will Sylvie blame Flor? And Flor's mother goes to take care of Flor's sick grandmother and doesn't come back.

Finally a new girl arrives: Jasper, whose geologist father tells Flor, "Your island is a tectonic treasure trove." They help her see the island anew, and to fill the gaping hole that first Sylvie, then Flor's mother, burrowed inside Flor when they left.

Springstubb beautifully mines the possibilities of how experience changes a child's view of her surroundings. As Flor tries to keep her family together, she also reintroduces Mrs. Defoe to passages in Anne of Green Gables that inspire the teacher to wear yellow and pink. Readers come to realize that, whether or not Flor's mother returns home, Flor will be okay. "Maybe the real trick of seeing," she thinks, "is the kind that lets you see through someone else's eyes." --Jennifer M. Brown, children's editor, Shelf Awareness

Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins, $16.99, hardcover, 304p., ages 8-12, 9780062112934

When the Wind Blows

by Linda Booth Sweeney, illus. by Jana Christy

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Linda Booth Sweeney (The Systems Thinking Playbook), making her children's book debut, and Jana Christy (How to Hug) pay homage to the changing of seasons in this picture book tale of a warmhearted family and their cozy seaside home.

Laundry wafts on the line as a child and dog peer out of an upstairs window in a blue-roofed cape house. "When the wind blows..." reads the opening line in a hand-lettered purple that matches the home's exterior. "Windows rattle./ Doors creeaaak./ Chimes sing./ We peek," the text continues in white type that pops against cornflower blue skies. Grandma takes the boy and dog out to fly a yellow kite, while his mother, clad in a blue coat, pushes a baby in a red stroller. A lighthouse hints at a nearby body of water, and cows complete the pastoral scene. "Trees dance./ Spiders curl./ Mice shiver./ Leaves swirl." The beach grasses in Christy's multimedia art mimic the swirl of the leaves, where children can spy a spider's web and two mice taking refuge. The repetition of "When the wind blows..." gives the story its structure, and Christy adds a visual storyline. As the child loses hold of the kite and impatiently pursues it (his mother recovers the kite), Grandma waves at a sailor and a top hat blows off the groom departing the church. "Skies darken./ Thunder booms," driving everyone inside.

Sweeney pens rhyming couplets that softly mimic spring breezes, while Christy balances bird's eye-view perspectives with intimate portraits of this closely knit family. --Jennifer M. Brown, children's editor, Shelf Awareness

Putnam, $16.99, hardcover, 32p., ages 3-5, 9780399160158

I Don't Want to Be a Frog

by Dev Petty, illus. by Mike Boldt

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First-time author Dev Petty's funny dialogue between a small unsatisfied frog and a bespectacled adult frog comes delightfully to life with Mike Boldt's minimalist illustrations.

"I want to be a cat," says the seated small frog's speech bubble, with "cat" in red all-capital letters. "You can't be a cat," answers the adult, standing in an authoritative position. "Why not?" asks the small frog from the opposite page, with only his head visible from the lower right-hand corner. "Because you're a frog," the reasonable adult replies. "I don't like being a Frog. It's too wet," says the small frog, waist-deep in a pond. This exchange repeats as the small frog cites other animals he'd prefer (a rabbit, a pig, an owl), and frog characteristics he dislikes (too slimy, too much bug eating). He even tells the adult frog he'd be okay eating garbage as a pig ("Everyone says that until they eat garbage. Sorry, you can't be a Pig," the adult responds). But a big furry creature enters the picture that helps the frog feel grateful to be who he is.

Color-coded speech balloons help guide youngest readers through the action, and a variety of compositions increase the humor (as when the older frog walks the younger one through a chart of owl attributes). Petty and Boldt provide just enough predictability to hook youngest readers, then deliver a delightful twist or two to create surprise and satisfaction--for both the green hero and the many fans he'll make with this book. --Jennifer M. Brown, children's editor, Shelf Awareness

Doubleday, $16.99, hardcover, 32p., ages 3-7, 9780385378666
celebrate pride month with webtoon!

This Pride Month, WEBTOON and legacy publisher Walter Foster Publishing are releasing officially licensed coloring and learn to draw books for your favorite LGBTQIA+ WEBTOON stories! You will have a chance to explore a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes insights and learn to capture the quirky, romantic characters from your favorite series across WEBTOON’s Originals webcomics.

From the hit polyamorous romance series Boyfriends. come Learn to Draw Boyfriends. and The Official Boyfriends. Coloring Book, which give you the inside scoop on your favorite lovable college boys whose whirlwind polyamorous romance has captured the hearts of millions. Learn to Draw Boyfriends. is perfect for anyone looking to hone their artistic skills by recreating favorite characters and details from Boyfriends., from their faces and bodies to their expressions and group dynamics. And The Official Boyfriends. Coloring Book gives you an engaging and easy way to immerse yourself in the adorable art of the series and bring the world of Boyfriends. to life with your own choice of colors.

Also available this Pride Month is The Official WEBTOON Pride Coloring Book Collection. This collection features full-color art and coloring pages of characters from hit WEBTOON Originals series, including Mage & Demon Queen, Castle Swimmer, Death: Rescheduled, and more. Spanning a range of genres—epic fantasy, heartwarming romance, supernatural adventures, and more—each page has been thoughtfully crafted to capture the essence of the series, allowing fans to dive into the vibrant world of love, acceptance, and creativity with your favorite characters. The Official WEBTOON Pride Coloring Book Collection is a unique blend of character exploration and artistic instruction, making it an essential guide for fans of WEBTOON’s LGBTQIA+ series.

This June, celebrate Pride with WEBTOON! Enter to win a Pride Prize Pack featuring all three books here!




Quarto: Dive into the Vibrant Worlds of Your Favorite WEBTOON Originals Series With Pride Activity Books!


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Read what writers are saying about their upcoming titles

Every Time We Say Goodbye

by Natalie Jenner

Dear Reader,

EVERY TIME WE SAY GOODBYE was the hardest book I will ever write, and the most rewarding. I packed everything I could into this book: love and conflict, faith and religion, censorship and resistance, art and moviemaking, fashion and food, cameos by favorite actresses and characters from my earlier books, and above all Rome, my favorite city in the world. I hope that my novel gives you the entertainment and inspiration that nourished me throughout its writing.

Email trademarketing@stmartins.com with the subject line "Every Time Was Say Goodbye Sweeps" for a chance to win one of five copies.

Gratefully yours,
Natalie Jenner

Buy now and support your local indie bookstore>

AuthorBuzz: St. Martin's Press: Every Time We Say Goodbye by Natalie Jenner

St. Martin's Press

Pub Date: 
May 14, 2024


List Price: 
$29.00 Hardcover

Happily Ever Maybe
(A Montgomery Ink Legacy Novella)

by Carrie Ann Ryan

Dear Reader,

What happens in a bodyguard romance when both characters are a bodyguard?

All the heat and action!

I love writing workplace romances because things get tricky. And when a one night stand ends up burning up the pages, things get... explosive.

Gus and Jennifer are fiery, kick-butt characters that made me so happy to write.

I hope you love them!

Carrie Ann Ryan

Available on Kobo

AuthorBuzz: 1001 Dark Nights Press: Happily Ever Maybe (A Montgomery Ink Legacy Novella) by Carrie Ann Ryan

1001 Dark Nights Press

Pub Date: 
February 13, 2024


List Price: 
$2.99 e-book

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