Book Brahmins: Mark Lindquist

Mark Lindquist is the trial team chief of the drug unit for the prosecuting attorney in Pierce County, Washington state, the epicenter of methamphetamine production on the West Coast. His fourth novel, The King of Methlehem (S&S, $23, 9781416535775/1416535772), was published in May. Here he answers questions we put to people in the industry occasionally:

On nightstand now:

The Art of Fiction by John Gardner, The Narrows by Michael Connelly and a poker book by Phil Gordon.

Favorite book when you were a child:

Go Dog Go by Dr. Seuss

Top five authors:

Hemingway, Kurt Vonnegut, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Haruki Murakami, Jack Kerouac

Book you've "faked" reading:

Law school textbooks

Book you are an "evangelist" for:

The Comedy Writer by Peter Farrelly

Book you've bought for the cover:

Several Vintage Contemporaries, including Bright Lights, Big City and The Sportswriter, which both proved to be important finds for me.

Book that changed your life:

This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Favorite line from a book:

"It's the truth even if it didn't happen."--Ken Kesey in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Book you most want to read again for the first time:

Go by John Clellon Holmes. I stumbled onto it in the Shakespeare and Company Bookshop in Paris when I was 22.

Trashy pop culture classic you've read twice:

Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann

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