Tampa's Inkwood Books to Relocate

Inkwood's current location

"After 26 years in a Hyde Park bungalow," Inkwood Books, Tampa, Fla., is moving to a new location that will be "just a couple of miles away, in burgeoning Tampa Heights," the Tampa Bay Times reported.

"I was afraid it was going to get leaked. I haven't even signed the lease yet, so I hope this all works out," owner Stefani Beddingfield said of the news. After a YA author mentioned her September 27 event at Inkwood's new location on her website, Beddingfield posted confirmation on Facebook that a move was in the works because "the property is up for sale. Stay tuned for more clues as to where, when and how this is all going to happen. We're telling you now because we have a super exciting YA novelist coming in September for an event at the new space and she put it on her website... so #CatOfficiallyOutOfBag #NotFakeNews #BookiLeaks #ItsAllGood #MovinOnUpToTheHeights."

If all goes according to plan, the new location will be at 1809 N. Tampa St. "It's right across the street from the Hall on Franklin," a new restaurant cooperative, and near Hidden Springs Ale Works and Foundation Coffee, she told the Times. "I think we'll get a little more synergy" with the nearby businesses. "People can walk across the street for a cocktail, or have coffee and then come to a book signing."

Beddingfield purchased Inkwood from Carla Jimenez and Leslie Reiner in 2013 and leased the space. "Carla and Leslie own the property, and they're selling it. It's been on the market for a while," she said, adding that she is excited about bringing the business to Tampa Heights, where she lives. "For a very short period of time, I'll have two stores. What I'm toying with is a kind of bookstore popup shop on September 1 (in Tampa Heights). Maybe sell a hundred titles, our 'Best of 2017.' "

Her target date for Inkwood to open fully in Tampa Heights is January 15. "I'm figuring out how to make it a bookstore and a community center," she said.

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