The U.S. Book Show, organized by Publishers Weekly and scheduled to be take place virtually Tuesday-Thursday, May 25-27, will feature editor, book and author panels; livestreamed q&a sessions with editors; topical library panels; professional programming geared to publishing professionals; networking opportunities and awards celebrations; and exhibit halls featuring a range of publishers, sideline producers, distributors, library data providers and more. As indicated by the timing, the show aims to fill the void created by the cancellation of BookExpo this year. Among the events planned:
Editors' panels include ones that will focus on children's and adult comics and graphic novels, mysteries and thrillers, bio/memoir, literary fiction, current affairs, picture books, middle grade and YA. Panelists for "Post Pandemic Bookselling" are Nina Barrett, owner, Bookends & Beginnings, Evanston, Ill.; Danny Caine, owner, Raven Book Store, Lawrence, Kan.; Bryanne Hoeg, store manager, Powell's City of Books, Portland, Ore.; and Kwame Spearman, co-owner and CEO, Tattered Cover Book Store, Denver, Colo. Other panels will focus on how to sell more books online; political books; hiring to prioritize inclusivity; and the future of the publishing office.
Senator Elizabeth Warren will give a keynote on Thursday, May 27, "children's day," to discuss her forthcoming children's book, Pinkie Promises, illustrated by Charlene Chua (Holt), and her "pinkie promise" relationship with the young people who supported her candidacy for president in 2020. She will be joined by Laura Godwin, publisher of Godwin Books and editor of Pinkie Promises.
Ijeoma Oluo, the author of So You Want to Talk About Race and Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male Power, will be in conversation with Rakesh Satyal, executive editor at HarperOne, who acquired Oluo's forthcoming book, Be a Revolution.
The annual ceremony naming the Publishers Weekly Bookstore of the Year and Sales Representative of the Year will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 4:30-5:30 p.m., and be hosted by editorial director Jim Milliot. Shortlists have been announced and can be seen here.