The Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance and the Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Association are hosting an Indie Press Social on Tuesday, May 21, in Louisville, Ky.
The day begins with an office tour of Sarabande Books, the Louisville nonprofit literary press that publishes poetry, fiction, and essays. The next stop is Carmichael's Bookstore's Frankfort Avenue location, where eight independent presses--Beacon Press, Europa Editions, New Directions, Other Press, Sarabande Books, Soho Press, Two Dollar Radio and Verso Books--will present on their mission and upcoming titles, followed by a q&a. The day concludes with dinner and bowling at Vernon Lanes.
Linda-Marie Barrett, executive director of SIBA, said, "Indie Press Socials create opportunities for publishers and booksellers to network and have important conversations in a more intimate, meaningful way. Ending the day with bowling and drinks at a vintage bowling alley, and perhaps a bit of friendly competition between teams of publishers and booksellers, will make this a day to remember and treasure."
Larry Law, executive director of GLIBA, said, "We usually only get to see our fellow booksellers in the south during Winter Institute and so we are thrilled to have another opportunity at the incredible Carmichael's. We are honored and thrilled by the invitation from SIBA. The convergence of indie bookselling and indie publishing is not only fun but crucial, making events like these invaluable for our organization. It is from events like these that the future of bookselling evolves."
Registration for the Indie Press Social is open to booksellers at both GLIBA's and SIBA's respective websites, with a limit of 25 attendees per regional association. For more information and to register, please visit SIBA's website or GLIBA's website.