Cool Idea: Date Night at Astoria Bookshop

Astoria Bookshop in Queens, N.Y., is offering a special evening at the bookstore:

"Looking for a special night out with your favorite book lover*? Why not take them on a date to your local bookshop!

"Date night includes an hour and a half of private browsing time after hours, a table & chairs for 2, a $30 gift card to the Astoria Bookshop, and a bookstore scavenger hunt, in case conversation stalls. BYO snacks & drinks, send us a Spotify playlist in advance, and we'll dim the lights and let you and your honey enjoy having the bookstore and patio (weather permitting) all to yourselves...."  *(Are YOU your favorite book lover? Try a solo date night!)"

The first offerings for date night have already been filled. More to come!

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