Happy 10th Birthday, the Well~Read Moose Bookstore!

Owner Melissa DeMotte (l.) and marketing assistant Anna Rose Carleton

The Well~Read Moose Bookstore in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, turned 10 on May 31st, and celebrated all weekend long with special events, a prize wheel, store discounts, sticker and cookie giveaways, and a book drawing for a signed Steven Rinella cookbook. On Saturday the store hosted local wildlife photographer Tim Christie, who led a tour at the Cougar Bay Nature Preserve, showing tips and tricks for capturing nature's beauty. 

Anna Rose Carleton, marketing assistant and children's and YA subscription manager, reported: "The weekend was exciting and buzzing with customers who have supported us for many years. It was amazing to see so many friendly faces and friends come out to support our store. We are very grateful for our amazing community. We wouldn't have made 10 years without them!"
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