Anthology for Books, Geneseo, Ill., Celebrates Grand Opening

Anthology for Books recently celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 137 South State St., Suite 101, in Geneseo, Ill. The Rock Island Dispatch-Argus reported that co-owners Jim Nyland and Beth Nyland "consider themselves voracious readers, with deep ties to the Geneseo community. Thinking about what they could do to make an impact, they began brainstorming."

"If you had asked us six months ago, 'Will you be opening a bookstore?' We would have laughed," Beth Nyland said. "It was a dream, but it was not something we really took seriously until about eight or 10 weeks ago."

Early in the process, they sought advice from Kara Taghon, owner of Moline bookstore Atlas Collective, who gave them the push they needed to get started. As the Nylands looked at potential properties, their main priority was accessibility, and while the buildings on State Street were historic and beautiful, availability was almost nonexistent.

"It was hard to find a building, much less a building that satisfied our requirement that we want everybody, regardless of their ability, to be able to enter the store, to communicate with us, connect with other people, and be part of conversations and great storytelling," Beth Nyland said, adding that many of the older buildings weren't compliant with accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Then they found the Geneseo House, which features the Cellar restaurant. Although the space available was too small, another of the building's tenants, Jenna Eden Designs, was looking to downsize and offered up one of her spaces. 

Anthology for Books will offer a collection of material based on community input. "We wanted to curate a selection of books that was really based on the feedback of the people that are here in this community, because we want to make sure that this is a place for exploration, for connection; a gathering place," Jim Nyland said. "We want to make sure that we have the right books, the right access to literature, to the different styles and genres that are of interest.... Just based on the size of the feedback that we got, we're going to be predominantly, initially at least, new titles."

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