"It's a calm Tuesday at the bookshop," Catherine Carter, owner of the Dog-Eared Page, Danville, Va., posted on Facebook earlier this week. "When I started this journey several years ago, I would have never thought that we'd be here. The shop is not only a second home to my family, but to many others, and I cannot even begin to explain how humbling it is that many of you are so familiar with the shop that you can come in, grab a seat, and chat about whatever is on your mind because you know that we care and we love you. The community we've built over the last several years is a beautiful one that has become more of a family than anything else, and I consider that one of the biggest blessings in my life. Whether you've been a customer one time, or whether you are here more than you're not, know that we love you and we're thankful for you. We're open until 6pm today, so come by and see us! We love you, Danville, thank you for always being so supportive."