Mar Julia: 2025 Michael L. Printz Award Winner

Mar Julia

Mar Julia is an illustrator from South Florida who is currently living and making things in Baltimore, Md., on the unceded traditional lands of the Piscataway and Susquehannock nations. They live with their partner, Sunmi, and four rats named after sweet potatoes. The 2025 Michael L. Prinz winner, Brownstone (Versify/Harper), written by Samuel Teer, is their illustration debut.

Congratulations! This is your full-length graphic novel debut. How are you feeling about it winning the Printz?

Yes, it is! I'm very grateful that Brownstone has been able to resonate with so many people so far. While it is my debut graphic novel, I've been making comics for many years, and I'm happy to be able to share my work with more people than ever before.

How would you describe this book to someone unfamiliar with it?

Brownstone is about a mixed Latina teenager, Almudena, spending the summer with the Guatemalan father she's never met and learning about him, his community at large, and herself through their budding relationship. I like to think of it as one part classic coming-of-age story and one part goofy yet touching '90s/'00s teen movie.

What is the process of illustrating a full-length graphic novel? Do you receive text and start drawing? Is there a period where you and the author are making the text and illustration work together in a different or better way?

Everyone's exact process and amount of collaboration is different! For us, I like to be collaboratively involved in big projects like this one, so Sam placed a lot of trust in me with the script. First, he and our editor did a few script-only editing rounds, then it got sent to me. I laid out the book from the script, with the go-ahead to suggest changes and adjustments in pacing, flow, and other elements wherever I thought they might make the book read better. After everyone approved of the thumbnails and layouts, as well as any adjustments, I jumped into inking and coloring it all. Doing it this way made sure there weren't any big changes after I'd already started on the final art.

I feel like there were moments early on, when it was just small thumbnails and my layout notes, where I had to be like, "Trust me, this will really work!" and I'm grateful to have had a supportive team.

How did you feel when you first saw the text for this novel? Does any of it mirror your own experiences?

Sam and I had a few back-and-forth chats about our experiences, and the themes we wanted to explore with Brownstone. I remember telling Sam that I wasn't as concerned with Almudena's narrative accurately reflecting my own experience as well as his, because my main wish for this book was just for it to feel grounded and engaging and, to me, relatability can follow that. Which meant I think Sam had to dig deep into what that meant for him when writing the script and shaping the narrative, and it really shows. There are some Easter eggs from things I told him on my end, though!

I do relate to Almudena not being fluent in Spanish, and how she struggles to fully express herself to her father and other family members. Unlike Almudena, though, I probably felt more commiseration from other first- or second-generation kids in my life growing up who were in a similar spot due to their parents' maybe not teaching them Spanish as fluently, too.

The illustrations are packed with art. Every panel is full of colors and textures and people overlapping each other and speech bubbles. How do you get so much into each image? What do you think it does for the story to have so much visual content?

Well, the "how" part is probably just practice! It's like a fun puzzle to create a visual hierarchy with compositions and details to make the world feel real and lived-in, but not overwhelming or lacking in focus while helping the narrative unfold. And that goes for within panels as well as across the entire page, and even across every spread. It's a balance!

To me, Brownstone taking place in a city always meant I was destined to have to draw lots of people, buildings, and details. Part of what makes good fiction really stick in my memory is when it strikes a balance of being both detailed and believable in its world-building. Both things are important to me because they reel you in and make you feel engaged in the story. With this book, it also helped with communicating how Almudena felt in a completely new environment. All those details are what makes it feel different from a comic I'd draw taking place somewhere else, even if it was just in a different city!

I love how active the illustrations are--you can see how heavy the bucket is that Almudena is dragging down the stairs or the fast actions of people on the street. How do you get such a sense of movement in your art?

This is another one of those things that everyone has a lot of different answers to, but for me one of the big factors is that I sketch very loosely. My pencils and underlying sketches have as little detail as I can get away with and err on the side of being more gestural. This helps me not get in my head when I'm inking the final drawings--it makes them more fluid, helps avoid them feeling stiff and makes the action really hit home, hopefully. I also grew up with a lot of friends involved in or interested in theater, so I kind of approach it like character or stage acting, which adds a fun layer for me while drawing.

Was there any specific part you enjoyed illustrating in particular? Any piece that was more difficult than you imagined?

Drawing streets with cars parked in perspective, all along the city was definitely the most dreaded part of any wide shot for me! One of my favorite things to draw on the other hand, are character interactions, and with this book it was whenever Beto and Almudena had a scene together. They played off each other in ways that were always fun to draw, evoking fun emotions in one another.

Are you working on something new?

I am! I'm working on a few new projects, including another YA graphic novel and I just signed on to a nonfiction graphic novel project, each with their own respective writers. Sam and I have also been talking about working together again!

I've been also working on developing my own YA graphic novel and hopefully will be able to work on that in a more official capacity very soon. 

Is there anything you'd like to tell Shelf Awareness readers about Brownstone, illustrating, or winning the Printz?

We really couldn't have made Brownstone without a wonderful and supportive team behind us; our editors, agents, and book designer. I'd especially like to give a shout out to our color designer Ashanti Fortson, who I was really happy to have working with me while we colored Brownstone. They really did an amazing job, adding a whole other layer to the visual narrative in the book with wonderful and evocative color palettes throughout! --Siân Gaetano, children's/YA editor, Shelf Awareness

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