Jason Reynolds: 2025 Coretta Scott King Author Award Winner

Jason Reynolds
(photo: Adedayo "Dayo" Kosoko)

Bestselling author Jason Reynolds is a MacArthur Genius Grant recipient, a Newbery Award Honoree, a Printz Award Honoree, a two-time National Book Award finalist, a 2024 MacArthur Fellow, a UK Carnegie Medal winner, a two-time Walter Dean Myers Award winner, an NAACP Image Award Winner, an Odyssey Award wnner and two-time honoree, and the recipient of multiple Coretta Scott King honors, a Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Author Award, and the Margaret A. Edwards Award. He was also the 2020-2022 National Ambassador for Young People's Literature.

Reynolds won his first Coretta Scott King Author Award at the 2025 Youth Media Awards earlier this week for his YA novel, Twenty-Four Seconds from Now... (Caitlyn Dlouhy/Atheneum), one of Shelf Awareness's 2024 Best Books for children and teens.

I usually do research beforehand to make sure I know how many awards people have gotten, but I had a hard time counting how many CSKs you've received.

Yeah, I don't know if I know.

I think this is your first win, though?

I do know that. This is certainly the first win. That I do know for sure.

That's exciting.

It is. I have to say, you know, I am a little bit surprised. Not that this is my first win, but that it's this book that's getting the win.

Tell me about that.

First, I should say, the Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Author Award is the first award I ever got. I owe a great deal to this award and how it positioned my career. I don't know if I would've been able to get enough light at that time to forge whatever it is that myself and editor and agent and community have been able to forge. So, there's that. But the name "Coretta Scott King"... The gravitas that comes with that always seems mission focused.

And that mission, at least in the way that I've always thought about it, has to do with breaking down boundaries. It's about pushing Black people, brown people, anybody who is fighting for freedom and justice, forward, while also highlighting our history, and thinking about the way history plays itself out in our present.... But this book pushes back against Black conservativism. And when I say Black conservatism, I'm not speaking politically. I'm just speaking about how there are certain things that we keep in-house. There can sometimes be a rigidity when it comes to the maturation of our children, sex being the main thing.

It feels like a win in a different way to me. I know that there had to be deliberation about this book because it presses the line. But I also know that choosing this book means a group of people decided this does matter. Not just Black love--a Black love story--but also a Black child exploring their sexuality. It matters enough for someone to lift this book up and say, "We should push this."

I think what you just said highlights how perfect this book is for the award--you're talking about pushing boundaries and Twenty-Four Seconds from Now... is a lovely, romantic, and honest book focusing on Black love and consent.

I appreciate that. And, I mean, why not, right? We always talk about how we just want Black kids to be to be seen as human. But the moment that a Black teenager expresses a particular sort of desire, we get really freaked out. It's easier for us to talk about anger; it's easier for us to talk about school; it's easier for us to discuss mental health. But when it comes down to your child wanting to have sex, it's a whole other thing. Then you have religious ramifications, you have all this cultural stuff--all these things come into play which thwart the beauty. The fear always gets in the way of the fact that this is very normal and natural and beautiful. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't have responsible conversations--but part of the responsible conversation is making sure our children know that their pleasure is a part of their humanity. It's a part of them expressing themselves. When it's chosen, and it's considered, and it's intentional, it's a revolutionary act.

That makes me think immediately, of course, of how sex-positive everybody in this book is. Did you start writing with the intention of every adult being sex-positive?

I just wanted every adult to be like my parents were. So, the sex talk that the mom has with him at the diner is the exact sex talk--verbatim--that my mother gave me at 15-years-old.

Including the finger in the ear line?

Including the finger in the ear line.

["Put your finger in your ear.... Now, wiggle it around," she said. I wiggled it around.... "Now, tell me, what feels better when you do that, your finger or your ear?" Ma asked. I thought for a moment... "My ear feels better." "Exactly. Women are meant to feel pleasure too. Understand?"]

That's exactly what she said to me at 15 years old at a Ruby Tuesday. And my father, who is no longer with us, was a man who said tenderness is important. We use literature not just to bear witness to the lives that we live, but also to project the lives that might live if we model them.

Your dedication to this book is, "For my friends. And our firsts. And Judy." So, this is your Forever, is that correct?


Is that something you wanted to do for a while, or did that come up recently?

A couple years. People have asked me if I would write a love story and I always said no. I didn't want to get it wrong, and I think it's easy to get wrong. And it's also almost too easy to get right and slip into cliché. Then I was asked to be in Judy's documentary, and who says no to Judy Blume?

I reread the books that I loved and then I read the stuff that I hadn't read yet. One of those books happened to be Forever which would never be published today. No publisher would take a risk on that kind of book today for kids--this book will never happen again.

The only thing that's not sanitized in children's literature is violence. It doesn't matter if it's fantasy, contemporary--violence is always okay. We'll write violence. But we tiptoe around sex. And I understand it. The truth of the matter is, as a grown person--and for me, specifically, as a heterosexual cis-gender, grown man--it is slippery to write adolescent sex. That's the reason why I don't actually write them having sex.

Yeah, there isn't any sex in the book.

But when I read Judy, I thought, "I can have this conversation." I can write a love story where they're trying to figure themselves out--where they're trying to figure out what these feelings are and how they go on this journey together. But I don't have to take us on that journey.

In Forever, nothing bad happens. Which was the best part for me. Nobody's pregnant, nobody has an STD, nobody's even all that heartbroken. And that's closer to the truth. That's closer to so many of our high school experiences: It's okay, I am lusty and bothered and horny and now I have this partner who I can explore all these things with. And then I'm going to go to college and I may never see them again and it's okay. That's life. Nothing bad happened.

One last question: what do you wish we would ask you about this book?

I don't know how to phrase it as a question, but I will tell you that this book is about what all my books tend to be about: it's exploring, deconstructing, and hopefully exploding the oversimplified ways we think about masculinity. I think masculinity is inherently toxic in this country, and in most countries, to be honest with you. So, the story for me is really about what happens if we strip a young man of all the things that are supposed to be equated with his "masculinity," with the social construct of masculinity.

We get to ask what it is to be a teenage boy who is scared and tender and loving. His mom has the best advice for him; his father is as tender as he is; his sister is empowered and autonomous. His examples are coming from flipped versions of the stereotypes. That's at the crux of it. It's him getting to know himself. It's all just to ask how we can have an honest conversation about how this version of masculinity that has been pressed upon all of us doesn't actually serve any of us.

What happens if a boy just gets to be himself?  
--Siân Gaetano, children's and YA editor, Shelf Awareness

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