The American Booksellers Association has approved the nominating committee's recommendations for a board candidate who will fill the position when the second term of Jenny Cohen of Waucoma Bookstore, Hood River, Ore., comes to an end. The nominated candidate is Paul Hanson of Village Books, Bellingham and Lynden, Wash.
In addition, these current board members are up for re-election:
Brein Lopez, Children's Book World, Los Angeles, Calif., who was appointed last year and is running for his first term.
Cynthia Compton, 4 Kids Books & Toys and MacArthur Books, Carmel, Ind., who is running for a second term.
Raquel Roque, Books & Books, Coral Gables, Fla., who is running for a second term.
Separately, there is a board appointment pending to replace previous director Danny Caine, formerly of Raven Book Store, Lawrence, Kan., who resigned when he took a full-time position at Institute for Local Self-Reliance.
With the candidate announcement, the petition process for other candidates has opened. Nominating petitions must be received by the ABA by February 21. (See details here.) A ballot for the board elections will be sent to ABA members via e-mail in March, at least 60 days before the Annual Membership Meeting; the filled ballots, which include space for write-in candidates, must be returned by April 23.
The new board of directors will be announced in Bookselling This Week on April 30. The virtual ABA Membership Meeting will be held on May 22, at 2 p.m. Eastern.