iBooks: Steve Jobs
Like millions of others around the world, we at Shelf Awareness were saddened to hear of the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. We're big fans--most of our capital assets are Apple products.Apple enthusiasts are already turning to books to find out more about the man some are comparing with Edison and Einstein. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson ($35, 9781451648539), whose pub date was moved up by publisher Simon & Schuster to October 24 from November 21, is #1 on Amazon. Isaacson, author of biographies of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, had been asked by Jobs to write about his life.
Agate Publishing's I, Steve: Steve Jobs in His Own Words, edited by George Beahm ($10.95, 9781932841664), a collection of more than 200 Jobs quotations, is coming out on November 15. Agate president Doug Seibold said the company may be able to update the book, which is at the printer, and is more likely to make changes to the e-book, which had been finished. The book was #21 on Amazon this morning.
Recent titles on Jobs include:
- Inside Steve's Brain by Leander Kahney (Portfolio, $24.95, 9781591842972), which was updated in 2009.
- The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success by Carmine Gallo (McGraw-Hill, $25, 9780071748759), published in 2010.
- The Steve Jobs Way: iLeadership for a New Generation by Jay Eliot, a former senior v-p of Apple (Vanguard, $25.99, 9781593156398), published in March.
- Return to the Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and the Creation of Apple by Michael Moritz (Overlook, $15.95, 9781590204016), which was reprinted last year.
Another related title is a bit unusual but exquisitely timed. Apple Design, a tribute to the design of Apple products and to Jonny Ive, the design guru at Apple, is being published by Hatje Cantz and distributed here by Artbook/DAP ($60, 9783775730112). The book accompanies a show called Stylectrical: On Electro-Design That Makes History currently up at the Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Germany.