Indie Bookstore Day: Impromptu & Improv Poems; Poetry+Biscuits
On Saturday, May 2, more than 400 independent bookstores across the U.S. will participate in the inaugural Independent Bookstore Day (inspired by last year's California Bookstore Day), while Canadian booksellers hold their first Authors for Indies Day. In addition to hosting parties, author appearances and events, booksellers will distribute exclusive merchandise (a video from Harvard Bookshop, Cambridge, Mass., offers a sneak peek) created for the occasion. All week, we are highlighting indie booksellers' creative plans for, and thoughts about, celebrating IBD 2015:
Annie Bloom's Books, Portland, Ore.: "We want to champion independent bookstores and our customers who have kept us around a long time in Portland," said store manager Will Peters. "We still have a thriving independent bookstore community. It's as much a celebration and a thank you to our customers as anything." (via the Portland Tribune) Also: "We're partnering with our next-door neighbors The Craft Factory.... they'll be offering book-themed craft sessions and story times."
Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: "The Poet Is In: a group of local poets will staff a booth modeled on The Doctor Is In, the one Lucy dispensed advice from in the Peanuts comic strip. They will spontaneously write poems for anyone requesting one: in the moment, from their hearts, a poetry writing improv with human prompts."Prince Books, Norfolk, Va.: "Poetry & Prose + Biscuits & Beer. A community open mic event with beer and biscuits on sale from The Lizard Cafe!"
Canadian Authors for Indies: Twitter Takeover--"To give you a sense of the awesomeness of such an event, we are handing the Twitter keys over to two authors involved: Terry Fallis and Robin Spano. They will be tweeting from @CBCbooks to give you the highlights from Authors for Indies Day."
Island Books, Middletown, R.I.: "To thank you all for your support... we will have a GREAT GALLEY GIVEAWAY with any purchase." Also: "Don't miss being part of our First Annual Customer Choice Awards! All customers will get the chance to vote for their favorite book from among the store's best sellers over the last twelve months."
Hicklebee's, San Jose, Calif.: "Ask the Magic 8 Ball, which will answer the question 'What surprise does Hicklebee's have for me today?' You may win a balloon, or a book (an advanced reader's copy aka an arc) of a new or recently published book, or a chance to enter a drawing for a copy of a much anticipated future publication... or a Hicklebee's Game Card with which to save some cash while shopping at Hicklebee's throughout the year."
Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Minneapolis, Minn.: Impromptu Poetry with Brett Elizabeth Jenkins... "Tell her a secret, and she will write you a poem about it. It doesn't have to be your secret!" Also: "Obscure Book Recommendations" with Rain Taxi Review of Books editor Eric Lorberer... "Stop in and chat with him, and leave with the perfect book you never would have picked up (or even heard of) otherwise."
Annapolis Bookstore, Annapolis, Md.: "A podium. You. And Alice in Wonderland. Come celebrate and read with us on Saturday. Throughout the day, we're asking you, our lovely supporters and fellow book lovers to take a turn at the podium, and read from Carroll's classic."
McNally Jackson, New York City: Marathon reading of Langston Hughes: "Like Langston, we believe in nothing but books. Like Langston, we're not in Kansas anymore. Join us on Saturday, May 2nd at 5 p.m., to celebrate the first annual nationwide Independent Bookstore Day with a group of stellar writers reading Langston Hughes poems. Like Langston, let books happen to you too."
Bluebird Books, Hutchinson, Kan.: "I love being a part of downtown and the Hutchinson literary community," said owner Melanie Green. "Independent Bookstore Day just gives me one more reason to thank my community for their enthusiastic support of Bluebird Books and to remind them of all that we offer." (via the Hutchinson News)