Cake in honor of IBD, at Malaprop's |
On Saturday, more than 400 independent bookstores across the U.S. celebrated the inaugural Independent Bookstore Day with a range of parties, author events, sales, giveaways and much more. In the Golden State, bookstores celebrated the second California Bookstore Day, whose 2014 launch served as inspiration for the national event.
Hut Landon, executive director of the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association, which produced Independent Bookstore Day (Samantha Schoech was program director), said that he had heard positive news from dozens of stores, including some 25 stores reporting that sales during the day had exceeded last year's. Perhaps the record was set by Avid Bookshop, Athens, Ga., which by 11 a.m. had sales surpassing Saturday, May 4, last year. By the end of the day, said owner Janet Geddis, sales on Saturday were up 270% and there were nearly five times as many transactions as on the comparable Saturday a year earlier. Besides the special IBD items, Avid offered a commemorative T-shirt, sidewalk chalking, a special story time, face painting, literary trivia and three bands in the late afternoon.
And at Green Apple Books, sales at the main store were up about 75% over a normal Saturday and at the new store were double a normal Saturday, said co-owner Pete Mulvihill, a driving force in the creation of California Bookstore Day and its expansion nationwide.
At Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Minneapolis, Minn., a crowd descended early on Saturday and devoured coffee and treats from Bogart's Doughnut Co., which included some Butterbeer-inspired doughnuts created especially for the day to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. In addition, Brett Elizabeth Jenkins wrote more than 20 "impromptu poems" inspired by secrets customers shared with her, and Eric Lorberer, editor of Rain Taxi Review of Books, handsold some of the store's more obscure titles. During game night, crowds played Scrabble, Boggle and a Goosebumps game.
"The weather was beautiful, and overall we had a very busy Saturday in the best kind of way," said events coordinator Ann Mayhew. "Lots of customers wished us a 'Happy Independent Bookstore Day!' "
Malaprop's Bookstore/Café, Asheville, N.C., featured a sheet cake with the IBD logo on it from the local supermarket chain Ingles, which has been co-sponsoring the store's major author events. (The market supplies large trays of appetizers and sheet cakes decorated with images of the authors' book covers.) Ingles also ran announcements about the celebration and Malaprop's all week in its area stores.
The Poet Is In, Northshire Bookstore. Front row (l. to r.): poets Linda Sonia Miller, Jon Mathewson, Claire North, Lynn McCabe, Will Meyer. Back row: store manager Nancy Scheemaker, assistant manager Jess Hanlon
Mandy Medley, events coordinator at Unabridged Bookstore, joined WGN's Mike Stephen after a 10-hour shift Saturday to discuss Chicago's Independent Bookstore Day. They talked about "what goes into putting on an Independent Bookstore Day event, how indie stores stock up on the right books for their customer base, and staying competitive with the big stores and the Internet."
The aisles were crowded Saturday at the Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., as both locals and tourists took advantage of the beautiful day to stop by. Northshire hosted a variety of events, including improv poetry-on-demand at "The Poet Is In" station. There was a Dr. Seuss Story Time, and the Cat in the Hat was on hand to lead a costume parade and pose with kids for Seussian photo booth pics. Tasty treats were served up by local merchants Healthy Living Market & Cafe and 9 Miles East. "Thanks for an awesome first-ever #IndependentBookstoreDay Saratoga! Hope you had as much fun as we did!" Northshire tweeted.